Friday, August 20, 2010

End of Week Summary

Here it is, the end of the week, and what do I have to show?  Well, get yourself a chair and take a seat... You may have played around with The Render Engine when it was a child -- back in v1.0.  Additionally, you probably took a look at the "bounce the ball" demo and thought it looked pretty jittery and not very well simulated.  You'd be right on both counts.  Here, take a look:

Well, v2.0 of The Render Engine is starting to grow up... Mind you, this wouldn't be possible without the fantastic JavaScript port of the Box2d physics library, but it's just another example of how flexible The Render Engine really is.  Everything is still in flux, at this point, and is subject to change in the future so don't count on this being the final implementation.  However, take a gander at the new "bounce the ball" demo:

So, when anyone asks what I did this week, just point them at that there link and smile... I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a change! Excellent update with Box2D. I'd say all it's missing are rotating sprites, to really make it feel real.
