Wednesday, November 10, 2010

v1.5.2 is in the works...

I was working on Tutorial 7 last night and realized that the collision system wasn't acting appropriately.  It was yelling, getting really drunk, and generally being annoying... I kid, I kid.  There were some issues with arguments being out of order in the ColliderComponent subclasses of BoxColliderComponent and CircleColliderComponent.  Plus, CircleColliderComponent was doing way too much for simple circle-to-circle collision checking so I've moved the code into Math2D for now.  Also, I realized that I was depending on instance checks which can be costly when executed repeatedly.  I'm always looking for a win when it comes to getting some milliseconds back to use elsewhere.

Well, of course this means that I need to fix up some code in v1.5.1 and release a small upgrade.  v1.5.2 will include the fixes for the two subclasses and also have the implementation of collision masking.  Plus I'm trying to figure out what's going on with IE and FlashCanvas when run remotely.  That's going to be all that will change, since there really isn't anything new that's ready.  Plus, I need stuff for v2.0!

If anyone's interested, here's a link to Tutorial 7.  You can't download the tutorial code yet and the example isn't hooked up yet.  If you see anything crazy, let me know.  Oh, and if you're trying to get the tutorial working in v1.5.1... well, you're gonna have to wait for v1.5.2.

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