Monday, November 22, 2010

User Interfaces in v2.0

After spending some time doing the due diligence on user interfaces, I have decided to remove them as part of The Render Engine.  Since the engine is running in a browser, it just didn't make sense to try to abstract what the browser is doing so well already.  While it would be neat to have a user interface be tightly integrated within the engine, I feel that it just eats up cycles better spent on the game.  User interfaces can still be created, loaded, displayed, and interacted with -- it'll just happen outside of the engine.  For example, you could load a UI with jQuery and display it over top of the game.  You'll have finer control over the interface's design and display, and you'll also have access to the game's objects if you want to display things like sprites and so forth.  So, in an effort to get 2.0 going again, and to focus on what makes a great game engine, I'm dropping UI's as a part of the engine core and leaving that up to the developer.  I think most people will agree that this is a better plan all around.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad, I was looking forward for this feature.
    Well I guess I'll have to build my UI stuff with some Object2D Elements.
