Monday, November 15, 2010

v2.0 Refactoring

In v2.0 I have moved everything related to the engine into the "/engine/" folder.  Components, render contexts, resource loaders, etc. have all been moved in there.  Since the files are considered "engine files", it makes a lot of sense to make them subfolders of "/engine/".  The folder structure is a lot cleaner since the files are now "hidden" in the engine.  These files were always intended to be the foundation classes for a game, and not supposed to be modified directly.

Putting them in "/engine/" sort of enforces that concept.  Doing so allows someone to see the separation between their game and the engine.  I know this will cause some confusion, especially for people who want to upgrade to v2.0 of the engine.  However, the only real change is that files which were previously loaded via:


Will now need to be:


That and the index page will need to load the libraries from the "/engine/libs/" path now.  This change will not affect previous versions of the engine, so only if you're using v2.0 and beyond.


  1. Hi Brett,

    I just found your engine today, and it looked really interesting. Any estimate on when you will v2.0 be released? Also are you still working on Tilemaps and Isometric Rendering?

  2. Yes, I am still working on both features for v2.0. As for the release date, I don't have a solid date yet but I expect it will be sometime in the first quarter of 2011.
